Den reducerar statisk elektricitet på isolerande ytor, till exempel på LP-skivor, fotonegativ mm. Effective at neutralising static charges on virtually any surface without the need of sprays.

I must have been when I received my first hi-fi. We were pretty poor so any new hi-fi was a major deal. När man trycker av genererar en piezo-kristall både positiv och negativa joner som neutraliserar den statiska elektricitet som finns på vinylskivorna.
Pistolen funkar även bra på flera typer av produkter. Take out the electrode that permits the spark in the lighter and you have the same thing as this toy gun ion thing.
Den statisk ladning bliver dermed neutraliseret og effektivt fjernet. This device is an anti-static generator which has numerous applications, but for audiophiles, the main use is to remove the static charge on the surface of a record.
Milty zerostat-– Removes the electricity: Amazon. Electronics Select Your Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. Effektiv til at neutralisere statisk elektricitet på stort set alle overflader uden brug af sprøjtemidler.

Konstrueret af holdbart, hård plast kræver den hverken batterier, strømforsyning eller genopfyldning - og er et langvarigt alternativ til rensebørster. This amazing device has found a second use among record collectors for its incredible ability to instantly discharge static from a surface. Free shipping for many products! Picture Information.
Wet cleaning your records will remove static from your record. Moisture is a great conductor, remember). Completely effective at neutralising static charges on virtually any surface without the need for sprays. Zerostat poistaa levyjesi staattista sähköisyyttä.

Shop with confidence on eBay! The instructions on the box are lacking. It is obvious that just the act of playing a vinyl recor the stylus running through the grooves, creates static electricity. Depending on the atmospheric conditions at the time can affect it.
It reduces static on insulating surfaces such as records, etc. It’s built to last and is good for at least 50trigger operations. Best of all, it requires no power supply, batteries, or refills of any kind.
Built to last and is good for at least 50trigger operations. In webshop stock Normally. Milty products boast an easy-to-use operation, are reliable and effective. More analog stuffs?
A hanglemezek és a hangszedő legnagyobb ellensége a por. A lemezek tisztán tartása nem egyszerű feladat, pláne ha azok sztatikusan feltöltött állapotba kerülnek, hiszen a szálló por méginkább a lemez felülete felé irányul és annak barázdáiba ül. Tuoteryhmä: Levysoitintarvikkeet. It can be used to discharge vinyl records, but also scientific equipment, fashion fabriks or any other object which needs to be completely free of static electric build up.
It prevents charged particles from flying during weighting or transfer of particles. Squeeze the trigger slowly: a powerful stream of positive ions projects over a spread of about 400mm (inches). Release it slowly, and negative ions are produced. As far as I could tell the original one was still working as well as ever, but I wanted to eliminate any lingering uncertainty.
I did not notice any difference in the performance of the two devices. I bought this at the beginning of the year to use with my vinyl albums and CDs - and it is very effective. My daughter had the same great idea and bought me one for my birthday recently. I didnt have the heart to tell her that I already had one.
Im therefore selling mine, which still has the orig.
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